Literary oxford tour

A sign on Oxford's Broad Street showing literary figures including Alice in Wonderland, Inspector Morse, Narnia and Gandalf

‘I envy you going to Oxford. It is the most flower-like time of one’s life. One sees the shadow of things in silver mirrors.’ - Oscar Wilde

Oxford has been home to numerous great writers through the ages. What is it about the city of dreaming spires that has inspired such creativity and birthed so many beloved stories?

On this tour we will learn about many of Oxford’s literary inhabitants and some of their most enduring creations, and hear exerpts from their writings that tell us something about the city itself.

From early links with Chaucer, Shakespeare and Donne, through flawed and fascinating figures like Shelley, Wilde and Auden, we will encounter brilliant literary women, beer-drinking Inklings and outstanding crime fiction writers, as well as being introduced to some of the most exciting authors connected to the city today.

Tolkien's rooms in Exeter college Oxford
An illuminated medieval manuscript from the Bodleian Library's special collections
  • Up to 20 people. I also run regular literary tours for the Bodleian Library (along with other guides.) Check out my ‘Upcoming tours’ page to find out when my tours are next coming up.

  • This tour costs £150 per group. If you have an interest in a particular literary figure and would like to visit a college associated with them that may cost more - please contact me to discuss.

  • Yes! I run specialist Tolkien/Lewis tours, you can find out more here.

  • Yes, I run regular literary tours for the Bodleian Library (along with other guides.) Check out my ‘Upcoming tours’ page to find out when my tours are next coming up.